Baldy and Lofty Go East
Saturday 16 March 2024 saw the installation of the new Intendent General for West Yorkshire in Sheffield. Unfortunately, our own IG had duties elsewhere which prevented his attendance however the Division of West Lancashire was well represented in the bodies of P.Kt. Ray Thain (‘Baldy’, on duty with the Grand Sepulchre Guard) and W.Kt. John Askew (‘Lofty’).
After a very pleasant drive over the Pennines in the spring sunshine, the two travellers arrived at Tapton Hall in Sheffield to a very warm greeting from the Knights of West Yorkshire and had a very happy morning catching up with friends from near and far, including P.Kt. Iain Wilson, an emigrant to the wilds of Lincolnshire – where he has swiftly found favour with an appointment as Divisional Assistant Recorder!
P.Kt. Ray Thain, W.Kt John Askew, P.Kt. Iain Wilson
In due course we settled down to the main business of the day, the installation of Ill. Kt. Keith Tolan as Intendent General. The installation was expertly carried out by the Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign Graham Leslie Flight, with ample support from the Grand team. The meeting was a ceremonial spectacular and illustrated why the Red Cross is one of the most dramatic and colourful Orders in Freemasonry.
P.Kt. Ray Thain in full flow with the Grand Sepulchre Guard
Following the orderly conclusion of the installation ceremony the new IG adjourned the Divisional Grand Conclave and the Knights repaired to an excellent three course luncheon filled with laughter and good fellowship. Following the customary toasts and responses the Companions of West Yorkshire resumed business to conduct their own Divisional meeting while sundry visitors (including your correspondent) started their journeys home well satisfied by an exemplary day of Red Cross Masonry.
Words and Pictures Courtesy of John Askew (Lofty)